Ariadne is a modern Zorro-II Ethernet card for the Amiga models A2000, A3000 and A4000. It supports both Ethernet standards 10BASE-2 (Thin Ethernet) and also 10BASE-T (Twisted Pair). You can easily switch between these two hardware protocols via software. There are 32 Kbytes of buffer RAM on board and also an option for a boot EPROM.
Additionally, Ariadne offers two extra parallel ports to connect a printer, a scanner, or any other peripheral device. Beside a normal parallel driver we also supply two network drivers for these parallel ports: One ParNet driver and a SANA-II compatible PLIP driver, called liana.device. You can therefore install two peer-to-peer connections to smaller Amiga computers without any Zorro-II slots.
The network drivers for Ethernet and the parallel ports are both SANA-II compatible. Therefore every network software package based on Sana-II can be used with the Ariadne. For example, AmiTCP or Envoy which is included with the Ariadne. Envoy offers FileSystem import and export, network printing and multi-user support together with an easy installtion and configuration procedure.
Board Layout
�� _____________________________________________________________
� |��������������� Parallel Port 2� 1234�� 1����� _____��������
� |���������������� ############��� OOOO�� :::�� |���� |�������
� |���� JP1 ..����� 1�������������� LEDs�� LED�� |EPROM|�������
� |���� Boot��������������������������� Connector|���� |�������
|# DB25
� |��������������������������������������������� |���� |�������
|# Parallel
� |��������������������������������������������� |_____|�������
|# Port 1
� |������������������������������������������������������������
� |������������������������������������������������������������
� |�����������������������������������������������������������
#| RJ45
� |�����������������������������������������������������������
#| 10BASE-T
� |������������������������������������������������������������
� |������������������������������������������������������������
|_| BNC
� |_____________________________________________________________|��
� |||||||||||||||||||||||||||����������������������������������
� JP1: Enable Boot ROM?
����� Off: Set to disable autobooting (default).
������ On: Set to enable autobooting from an on-board EPROM.
� LED Connector (6-pin header)
��� Pin 1: (LED 1) Twisted pair MAU link status
��� Pin 2: (LED 2) Transmit status
��� Pin 3: +5V
��� Pin 4: (LED 3) Collision
��� Pin 5: +5V
��� Pin 6: (LED 4) Receive status
� Parallel Port 2 (26-pin header)
��� Note that these connections are set up for use of a standard
��� header to a DB25 female mounted on a slot cover. This should
be a
��� standard part, but check connections before using it.
���� Pin 1: *Strobe
���� Pin 2: +5V Pull Up (Current limit unknown on Ariadne, normally
10 mA.)
���� Pin 3: Data 0
���� Pin 4: Unused
���� Pin 5: Data 1
���� Pin 6: *Reset
���� Pin 7: Data 2
���� Pin 8: Ground (Do not connect any of these grounds to a shield.)
���� Pin 9: Data 3
��� Pin 10: Ground
��� Pin 11: Data 4
��� Pin 12: Ground
��� Pin 13: Data 5
��� Pin 14: Ground
��� Pin 15: Data 6
��� Pin 16: Ground
��� Pin 17: Data 7
��� Pin 18: Ground
��� Pin 19: *Acknowledge
��� Pin 20: Ground
��� Pin 21: Busy
��� Pin 22: Ground
��� Pin 23: Paper Out
��� Pin 24: Ground
��� Pin 25: Select
��� Pin 26: Unused
��� Parallel Port 1 (DB25 Female)
��� Parallel Port 2 (DB25 Female when connected)
����� Both Ariadne parallel ports have the same pin-out as the
standard A4000
����� parallel port.
Thanks to Greg Scott (National Amiga)